Better allows you to share experiences with technology that help others live life to its fullest potential…or to find technology solutions to any problems that you are experiencing. 

The world around us is changing faster than ever and the pace of change will only accelerate. New products and services flood the market claiming to help us manage and improve our lives, but behind the shiny surfaces and glossy advertising how do you find the best solution to your problem?

Chances are that someone else has already faced the same problem and can share their experiences to make things easier. 

We think the most important things in life are the same as they have ever been. We care about health, education, careers, happiness, managing our money, raising our children and the society and environment in which we live.  We want to share people’s experiences of how technology may help.  We care only about the possible benefit to your life – if we wanted to write about technology for any other reason, we would have created a very different service.

Most importantly, please take part in Better by sharing your stories, giving your advice and asking your questions. Better is nothing without you and together we are more powerful than alone. 

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