Does love live here anymore?

  • Who is this post for? Anyone looking for love (or anything else found through dating apps!)
  • What does it discuss? The video (15mins long) looks at the variety of dating apps out there and whether they deliver the benefits users are looking for
  • How will you benefit? Fresh perspective on the dating game

I started dating my wife in 2000 so my dating days were over well before the advent of smartphones and dating apps. So when I observe the popularity of apps like Tinder I often find myself wondering how my dating years would have panned out differently with such technology at my fingertips.

There are hundreds of different dating apps catering for every taste and need imaginable. But what is gained and what is lost when using dating apps? Certainly the convenience and speed at which one can meet people is incredible – scroll through some photos and swipe to like is enought on some apps.  I used to hate dating because of the expectation placed on a night out – would I meet anyone new, would I pluck up the courage to talk to a stranger when necessary?

But, but…one can’t help but feel that much of the experience is very procedural, perhaps even dry. Whereas before it was like looking for a needle in the haystack, people are now faced with the very opposite challenge – there are so many needles right in front of you it’s impossible to properly evaluate which one might suit you best.

I can’t say I have a firm opinion because everyone will use dating apps differently and have their own expectations of them. But this video from the BBC is an interesting piece on how dating apps are being used and the type of behaviour they generate.

We’d love to hear and share your opinions on dating via apps so please leave comments!

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