Snacks or…short stories?

  • Who is this post for? Everyone
  • What does it discuss? A wonderful idea for how commuters and shoppers can fill their spare time
  • How does it benefit you? Increased happiness, decreased stress

We love, love, LOVE the work of a new start-up in France. Vending machines in the city of Grenoble are dispensing short stories instead of sugary snacks and drinks.  The publishing start-up company is called Short Édition and it has installed eight such vending machines in the city with the full approval of the mayor.

The company hopes that commuters and bystanders will use these quirky vending machines while around the city instead of reaching for the ever-present smart phone to check Facebook or Twitter (though frankly, if news of their presence is spread via Facebook and Twitter who are we to complain?).

Please someone bring this to the UK. Perhaps you can ask your mayor to do the same?

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