Photographer Dad makes his son with Down Syndrome fly

  • Who is this post for? Everyone with kids
  • What does it discuss? A heartwarming digital photography project
  • How does it benefit you? Inspire your children; Get creative

When Utah-based art director and photographer Alan Lawrence found out his son Wil had Down Syndrome, he reacted in the most wonderful fashion. Noticing how Wil would lift his legs and flap his arms whenever he would crawl around, Alan likened it to flying. It was the inspiration for the photo series ‘Wil Can Fly’.

In the series, Alan would hold his son high up in the air, and then would later edit himself out, making it seem as though Wil is flying. After posting the photos online, Alan’s family has been praised for the positive attitude towards their son’s condition.

‘These photos of Wil flying have taken on a special meaning for me as I think about the unique challenges Wil is going to face growing up. I hope to teach him that even with his disabilities he can do anything he puts his mind to’.

Check out the beautiful images here

Have you seen any inspirational digital photography projects that use the editing technology to tell a powerful, positive story?


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