Should we support the building of wind turbines?

  • Who is this post for? Everyone
  • What does it discuss? The potential of wind power to meet our energy demands
  • How does it benefit you? Fresh perspective on an issue that causes fierce debate

Renewable energy…we all know its important, indeed crucial to our future on this planet. We know the oil will one day run out or at least become impossible to extract from the ground.  It’s not surprising that then that many of us support renewable energy initiatives – until we see planning permission to build wind turbines somewhere near our home at which point we are up in arms about damaging our landscape (or possibly house price if it alters the view).

So just how important are wind turbines to a future relying heavily on renewable energy? Consider that countries who have invested in wind power generation, such as Denmark, Scotland and Spain, now regularly meet or come close to meeting the country’s entire daily electricity demand through wind power (especially in windier winter months), with the ability to store excess energy for future use.

Read this fascinating article in the Guardian here, enjoy the debate that then flows in the comments underneath the article, and then ask yourself if the UK Government is right to withdraw its support for onshore wind farms.  This one will run and run..


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