Can technology help manage alcohol consumption?

We want to find technology that genuinely benefits us in our real lives, so every week we will be trying to find answers to everyday problems.

This week’s question was, can technology help you manage how much alcohol you consume without compromising how you live your life?

For me, drinking alcohol is about balance. A fun part of my social life on one hand, and weight gain, chronic lack of sleep and hangovers on the other.

So, looking into getting that balance right, we got three recommendations that people have shared.

The Drinkaware’s app

  • Helps calculate units drunk through a diary-like App
  • Practical and informative
  • Completely free
  • Very motivational by showing the calories, and the equivalent time you would need to spend in the gym to run them off!
  • Great for getting an overview of your personal consumption


The Spruce App

  • From the British Liver trust, designed to help you monitor alcohol consumption and set goals to have at least three days without any
  • Completely free
  • Great for setting goals and sticking to them


The NHS Online

  • Great online service – unfussy and non-judgemental
  • For serious concerns it can point in the right direction, but for those who just want the information it has it all
  • Helps you track your drinking – from your phone with an App or online on the site
  • Completely free


If you have any experience to share, or if you have a problem you would like to get community advice on then please let us know.

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