Is your phone changing the way you fall in love?

  • Who is this post for? Everyone
  • What does it discuss? How we are entering and conducting relationships differently due to technology
  • How does it benefit you? Fresh perspective on human behaviour

The deep breath before the first nervous approach, perhaps an extra glug from your glass of Dutch courage. The fear of rejection, perhaps public humiliation. If you got past that stage then there was waiting by the landline for a call or perhaps even a letter from one’s new infatuation. Yes, dear reader, that was how one conducted one’s love life before the advent of smartphones.

But it seems technology is changing the way we meet, greet, and fall in love. Deakin University anthropologist Roland Kapferer says that in one generation, phones and apps have spawned a whole new way of dating and mating. We’re witnessing a complete behavioural shift in the way we search for soulmates. Kapferer shares insights on how our love lives are changing in this fascinating, brief article

Do you think smartphones have changed our love lives? Heck, can you even remember? 😉

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