And I do what with this thing?

One of the most popular places for manufacturers and retailers of technology products to place their very worst advertising seems to be the London Underground. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been staring at ads as I stride the tunnels and climb the escalators, only to shake my head and wonder who on earth authorised the spend.

The two ads featured here, snapped yesterday on my iPhone, are for the new Microsoft Surface Pro 4. It’s actually quite a nifty bit of kit and if any ‘tablet’ is going to replace your laptop, this would be a prime candidate. But oh, the advertising…

Guess what you can do with it people? In the first ad you can ‘power up’…ooooohhhhhh!  In the second ad below you can ‘Go anywhere, do anything’.  What??!!


I’m not a Microsoft hater by any means. But these are vacuous, pointless words, leaving you none the wiser as to what the benefit of the thing might actually be.  Sigh…

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