Music as medicine

  • Who is this post for? Everyone
  • What does it discuss? A technology project for all that explores how music can benefit your mind and body
  • How will you benefit? Better health, clearer focus, more thoughtful children…we could go on

The Sync Project is a initiative started and run by one of my old colleagues Marko Ahtisari.  Marko and his team believe that if music can reach us physically, then we can find a way of decoding what music does, and we could then use it to improve health.

The project itself centres around a platform that maps music characteristics to real-time biometrics gathered from an exploding variety of sensors. The team hope to understand and decode the personalized therapeutic effect of music.  Or in layman’s terms – they collect data from things like smartphones, wristbands and smartwatches to help us understand what happens to our brains and bodies when listening to music.

Read more about the purpose of the project here

Right now, I advise doing what I’ve done and simply sign up to see what happens. Up to this point I’ve been getting e-mail updates but I’ll certainly be a willing volunteer (as would my wife and daughter) when the project scales up and starts to have its desired positive impact on all our lives.

The best headphones for your workout

  • Who is this post for? Gym junkies, runners, cyclists
  • What does it discuss? It gives the verdict on the best headphones for use whilst exercising
  • How does it benefit you? Increased focus, enjoyment and motivation

The verdict is in. Engadget has tested 145 pairs of headphones for use whilst exercising and come up with one pair to wear the crown. See the winner here.