What We Enjoyed This Week…

Sometimes the Internet is just a place to share funny, weird and unusual things – and we enjoy that! So here’s some of what we saw and enjoyed this week.

A little cheesy but as it’s nearly Christmas…… this experiment uses a mysterious red light switch and 50,000 Christmas lights to surprise New Yorkers.

One of the biggest music hits of the year gets a movie mashup to show off some dance moves.

Finally this year’s biggest villain meets this year’s biggest villain – as Darth Vader merges with Donald Trump

If you see anything that makes you smile let us know so we can share the fun!

What We Enjoyed This Week….

Sometimes the Internet is just a place to share funny, weird and unusual things – and we enjoy that! So here’s some of what we saw and enjoyed this week. 

Grandparents teaching their grandchildren about ‘old’ technology – shows how fast technology moves forwards….

Adele’s global reign continues – with the Internet getting creative by doing a movie mashup version of Hello….

An advert that makes you feel a little uncomfortable, especially when it claims to be the most touching gift of all for Christmas…..

If you see anything that makes you smile let us know so we can share the fun!

Sometimes the Internet fights back!

This week you could not click on any website or pick up any paper without reading about Black Friday – the bargains, the stampede, the lack of stampede, the avoidance…..when a story is everywhere then someone somewhere will post a response.

Here’s Mad Max battling the bargain hunters courtesy of the team at Break.com

Sometimes it’s not the technology that fails…..

You can’t always take technology too seriously. Being given a GoPro to capture your holiday to Las Vegas is a great idea…but as this video we saw online this week shows, it’s not always the technology that fails.

Pointing the camera in the wrong direction may limit the Vegas views but can make a funny (and quite sweet) video.


Mix your technologies to share music like it’s the ’80s

  • Who is this post for? Everyone
  • What does it discuss? A lovely retro-style product
  • How does it benefit you? Increased smiles

Those of us the wrong side of 35 will have grown up sharing mixtapes and what treasured items they were! Just think back to the effort they took to compile and the appreciation of the person who was the recipient of your labour of love.

It’s just not the same sharing your playlist on Spotify is it? I can create a playlist in minutes. It’s efficient and the music is just as good but there’s little emotion involved from a sharing perspective. Thus, we really like the work of Sydney based designer Tiffany Roddis whose rendition of a mixtape is actually a USB that can hold up to 8GB of files and media (hopefully music!). It also has a personal message written on it for those of you planning to give it to someone special.

Easy to buy from anywhere as ships worldwide from the UK at the designer’s Etsy store, Wild Card.