Can technology help make cycling safer?

We want to find technology that genuinely benefits us in our real lives, so every week we will be trying to find answers to everyday problems. This week’s question was, can technology help make cycling safer?

Winter is a problem for cyclists. Darker mornings and evenings plus bad weather result in tougher conditions: Some 40% of bike fatalities occur with the bike being hit from behind by a vehicle and cycling accidents in the dark are more likely to be fatal.

So it’s not just a case of ‘taking extra care’, cyclists need to ensure they are seen by other road users – staying visible is an essential part of increasing personal safety on the roads. 

We have pulled together some recommendations for how technology can help.

Make Wheels Standout

  • Revolights are a system of white and red LEDs mounted on the bike’s front and rear wheels which light up as the wheels spin
  • Sensors calculate how fast the wheels are spinning and turn the LEDs on and off to create arcs of light – white at the front and red at the back – which are visible from all angles
  • As well as looking beautiful they really can help make a bike standout even amongst rain and traffic – check out the video to see the effect

Make Handlebars Smarter

  • Helios handlebars feature a super-bright headlight at the front, and two lights on the ends of the bars which can be used as directional indicators
  • When connected to a smartphone using Bluetooth, the bar-end lights flash to offer easy-to-see turn-by-turn GPS navigation too
  • Ensures not only you know where you are going while keeping your eyes on the road, this also lets other road users know if you are turning. Have a look at the following site for more information

Turn Bike Into A Radar

  • Varia Rearview Bike Radar combine’s warning lights with inbuilt radar to both warn you and other drivers who may be approaching from behind
  • The radar piece sits on the rear seat post – it detects approaching cars and transmits the information to the front display unit – letting you know to take extra care
  • The rear system also has a light built in that blinks with increasing aggressiveness as any car gets closer – alerting them to your position
  • Have a look at the following video to learn more

Make Yourself More Visible

  • There are quite a few items of clothing for cyclists to help with visibility, the one we had recommended was the Visijax Commuter Jacket – which has 23 high intensity, integrated LEDs in both white and red to alert other road users to your presence
  • Motion activated turn indicators are built into the arms – so when you raise your arm to indicate as you would normally, the built in amber LEDs light up on the front and back of the sleeve, showing your intentions to the traffic behind you
  • The indicators switch off automatically after ten seconds, allowing you to safely complete your turn with both hands on the handlebars. You can see more from the following link:


If you have any experience to share, or if you have a problem you would like to get community advice on then please let us know.

Can technology help with safer cycling?

We want to find technology that genuinely benefits us in our real lives, so every week we will be trying to find answers to everyday problems. So if you have any experiences to share, please let us know.

With the cold, wet dark mornings and evenings it’s a tough time for cyclists on the road. So, this week’s question is, can technology help cyclists stay safer on the roads?

We’re looking for any Apps, Gadgets or websites that could support or inspire.

We’ll be reporting back next week on what people have found the most beneficial.

If you have any experience to share, or if you have a problem you would like to get community advice on then please let us know.


Immerse yourself in 360 degree video

(Please note image above is not clickable – see links in article to play with videos)

  • Who is this post for? Everyone
  • What does it discuss? It shows you the potential for immersive video experiences. Go play!
  • How does it benefit you? Get inspired, get creative

The potential for 360º video has geeks like me excited everywhere. But what’s the point, one might fairly ask? Thus far the video format has been touted as the perfect experience for virtual reality headsets which are hardly mass market consumer items.

All that changed last week when Facebook announced it was supporting 360° video. That’s important because unless video can be watched in a video player that supports its format, it’s about as useful as a chocolate teapot. Now, any Facebook user can watch a 360° video without any special hardware or software.

The 360º experience is unlikely to be new to any of us. I’m sure we’ve all taken ‘virtual’ tours online around property, stadiums, theatres, famous buildings etc. Now, wearable cameras like those from GoPro allow for the relatively simple creation of 360° video for the viewing pleasure of us all.

It was this Star Wars video that kicked up a storm on social media but for a moment of natural beauty, check out this new surfing video from the team at GoPro. If you’re viewing on a smartphone or tablet, simply drag your finger across the video to control. If you’re on a desktop or laptop computer, simply drag your mouse cursor across the screen. Enjoy!

Can your smartphone help you find your lost property?

  • Who is this post for?  Everyone
  • What does it discuss?  Technology that tracks the location of your property
  • How will you benefit? Peace of mind…or not as the video bears out!

We’ve looked at many recent articles and products talking about attaching small tracking products to anything from keys to bags to pets, and even children!

This video shows a test that whilst certainly not scientific in its approach, does highlight some of the issues we’ve encountered, namely:

  • The smartphone’s connectivity, and thus ability to pinpoint a location with precision, varies wildly. Your phone’s ability to locate with precision is better if it’s on a Wi-Fi network than if using its telecom network.
  • If you’re in a large venue that has a complex layout (like the BBC’s offices in the video), it’s debatable what the technology can add that your own eyes can’t.

On the more positive side, the length of battery in the tracking product is a huge plus. One of the problems with finding your smartphone, tablet or laptop is that if you don’t realise you’ve lost it within an hour or so, there is a good chance that its battery will have died meaning it will be impossible to track through apps such as Find My iPhone. A year is a monumental advance on the 4-6 hours you’re likely to get with most devices!

Simple solutions for a better stay in your hotel room

  • Who is this post for? Anyone who regularly stays in hotels
  • What does it discuss? How to improve your experience of your hotel room
  • How will you benefit? Increased productivity. Increased relaxation.

Business travel can be a chore if you can’t create your ‘home from home’ with ease. You’re tired, you might have jetlag, and all you want to do is either relax or get productive without any hassle.

So take a look at this piece which gives you a range of excellent tips and advice on how to make your stay more pleasurable.