Will your business be using 3D printing?

  • Who is this post for? Anyone working in a business that produces physical products
  • What does it discuss? The contexts in which 3D printers are helping businesses compete
  • How does it benefit you? Understanding of how a rapidly growing technology could benefit your business

The sale of 3D printers is forecast to be worth about £3.5bn this year. Many industry commentators proclaim we are on the verge of a new revolution where 3D printers are common place in our homes. But if we understand that 3D printing is not really printing at all, at least not in the traditional sense, then perhaps we will get a better understanding of how these ‘robots’ will more likely be used in the near future.

3D printing involves the creation of a three-dimensional, solid object from a digital file. It’s a process that really needs you to be a specialist in what you are creating so perhaps the workplace is the more likely arena in which this process will continue to deliver its benefits to us all, as this summary from BBC Business explains


3D Printing That Helps Animals To Walk


  • Who is this post for? Animal lovers
  • What does it discuss? Life changing applications for 3D Printing
  • How does it benefit you? Potential health benefits for you and those around you, even your pets

The benefits of 3D Printing have usually been confined to designers or engineers, but new applications are showing truly life changing uses.

Vincent the cat is a perfect example –  born without rear tibias the month-old kitten was rescued by an animal shelter in the US and was luckily introduced to Dr. Mary Sarah Bergh at the Iowa State veterinary hospital. She had the idea to use 3D Printing to create bespoke prosthetics, and by working with veterinary orthopedics company BioMedtrix was able to construct implants which were then inserted into the femur bones of Vincent’s legs and come out through the skin.

Vincent’s recovery has been long, but his future looks bright. He already walks around very well, and his hind legs will continue to be lengthened until they are as long as his front legs. Dr. Bergh says he will even be jumping and doing other normal cat activities soon.

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Do you know of any other new technologies having such a big impact on our animal companions? Or do you know any pets who may benefit from such an advancement? Let us know.