What can a doctor do with your fitness tracker’s data?

  • Who is this post for? Anyone who has or is thinking of buying a fitness tracker
  • What does it discuss? The growing notion that doctor’s can make a meaningful analysis of your data to diagnose your health
  • How does it benefit you? Fresh perspective

I bought a fitness tracker earlier in the year. I have used it sporadically and find the data interesting to look at but to be completely truthful it’s affected neither my weight or my fitness levels.  I have however found it intriguing that devices like smart watches and wristbands can measure my heart rate, maybe helping me to avoid a heart attack and potentially sending data to my doctor.

I say I find it ‘intriguing’ because I always wonder what a doctor would actually do with this data. So I’m happy to point you in the direction of an article I read last week, asking doctors what they do when people show up with reams of personal fitness data. Clearly we have some way to go before our data is a) meaningful to any health experts (clearly there is a difference with fitness experts) and b) our data is connected to any centralised system that monitors the data itself.  We’ll get back to you on this one in 2020!

Read the piece from Forbes here