Have Sky TV? Then you should know about Sky Q

  • Who is this post for? Anyone with or considering Sky TV
  • What does it discuss? Sky’s ‘re-imagination’ of the TV viewing experience
  • How does it benefit you? More flexibility and ease for how you watch Sky TV

On Wednesday, Sky launched its new service Sky Q (though it won’t actually be available to customers for just a little while longer yet). Considering that Sky is constantly having to make massive overhauls to its technology (satellite dishes and big set-top boxes are hardly representative of the simple viewing experience offered by Netflix, Apple TV, Amazon et al), we thought this was a pretty good update.

In a nutshell, you can now:

  • Have mini-boxes connected by WiFi that allow you to watch on TVs in different rooms
  • Watch up to four different programs on four different screens at any one time
  • Download recorded programmes to smartphones and tablets to watch whatever you like

If you’d like to read a reaonably balanced article (avoid the mind-numbingly dull video) that talks about the impact of the innovation and other viewing choices, check out the BBC’s response here